
Showing posts from October, 2017

Born for the Internet

This video was a suggested must-view from my recent LIFT session in Brandon.  Born for the Internet As much as the video is funny, it does have a message.  The Internet can provide instructions on almost anything imaginable.  Zhao states that, "computers can substitute for humans when computers have all the needed information to complete the task and such information is reorganized and acquired in a form that computers can process".  The baby in the video did not require any assistance in cutting the umbilical cord; the web provided instructions.  In real life, and as a proud father of three daughters, I will cringe at the thought of anyone besides a qualified doctor to conduct such a critical task.  One caution is that not all online instruction is "good" instruction.  I recall this Spring looking for YouTube videos to help me learn how to install a new furnace fan motor in my camper.  I wisely checked a number of suggested hits; the first couple made the tas

7 Must-Know Classroom Technology Trends that are Changing Education

7 Must-Know Classroom Technology Trends that are Changing Education Neil Postman's article references his view that 21st century problems will not be "more stunning, disoriented or complex than those we faced in this century".  I agree to some extent, however we need to view technologies as solutions to problems that in turn will increase quality of life.  Schools are taxed with the vital work of sifting through the marketing of technology to incorporate those that are beneficial to student learning.  This article comments on 7 trends.  Flipped learning is not new, however has become more advanced.  Students of all levels and regardless of geographical location should be able to access courses via net.  Gamification - a new word in my vocabulary - attempts to engage the young learner with rewards and levels of difficulty.  I would say though that life is not a game; it has much more complexities than a game could possibly deliver.  Social media is one that has gripped