PLN (Personal Learning Network)

I view a PLN as a means for personal and professional connections.  Whether it be LinkedIn or another like app, we can forge relationships with other via an online community.  That digital community will share interests, passions, and beliefs from anywhere in the world.  PLN’s bring people together to share ideas and resources.

This course has reinforced the benefits of digital sharing.  I appreciate engaging in professional conversations with others in my same profession.  The link as below conveys ten benefits of online communities.  The very nature of NET courses brings together students from all over the world, what a benefit unto itself.  When we widen that geographic scope of conversation, we learn much more about our practices.  The website link below outlines 10 benefits of online learning communities.  I especially like Point 5 - A sense of community - whereby users develop a strong sense of camaraderie with others. 

Ten benefits of online communities

Balance is also an important element of healthy living.  If someone is constantly tied to an online forum, what time is left for other activities?  The url below details a balanced approach to balanced living for youth with technologies.  Yes, our children (mine as well) are better versed in all technologies than those older, however parents and teachers must advocate for a balance.  Checking our social media apps and online forums constantly is not healthy.  Life is more than an app! 

Striking a Balance - Youth and Technology Usage

The following picture illustrates the many connections forged by PLN's or PLE's.  Wonderful yet concerning at the same time.  Balance is the key to life, whether it be in the year 1917 or 2017.  One main difference is the ease of engagement and accessibility of online platforms.  Addiction is almost a given for those who crave this form of inclusion.  Balance is the key. 





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